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Microsoft has given out offers only a mad men would reject with its new Operating System "Windows 10". Microsoft has always been known as a money making company and now it seems to be changing direction with Windows 10 OS.
Because of the popular saying which says "Nothing goes for nothing", smart people are beginning to ask what Microsoft wants this time. While all this is going on, people are already familiarizing themselves with Linux OS in preparation to move from Windows to Linux should Microsoft "elf up".
Not long ago, there was a misunderstanding about the keyword or phrase Microsoft used while announcing Windows 10. What keyword was that?, you have guessed it, it's Windows-As-A-Service. From the way it was used, to majority of educated people who studied the English language very well, this would at first mean you have to subscribe to Windows just as you would subscribe to a TV service, electricity, etc. and once your subscription is out, you automatically get cut off. But a little light was put to that by those who understood what Microsoft meant which actually means upgrade and maintenance of the OS at no extra cost once you have it running.
Microsoft's goal might be to pull more users into its ecosystem, but just as this "commenter" said in one of the articles I read, Microsoft might end up losing more users than they already lost.
Now the question..., what does Microsoft want in return for all these goodies?


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