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Top 5 ways to become a self taught developer


I learned how to code by being self-taught. It took me a few years, but I finally got there and now I am able to build websites for clients using my own code. In this post, we'll explore the top 5 ways that you can become a self taught developer:

Read list of resources and choose your first language

You can start by reading the list of resources, and choose your first language. It’s important to choose a language that you are interested in and passionate about. You should also consider if it is possible to learn the language quickly, as well as whether or not it will help build something useful.

Make a daily plan

  • Set a goal for yourself.

  • Write down a plan for how you will achieve that goal.

  • Make sure you have time to do it, resources and motivation!

  • Have the right mindset

Go over the basics as often as possible

When you're first learning, it can be hard to keep your head above water. You might feel that there are so many other things that you want to learn and do, but if you don't get a firm grasp on what is really important in the beginning, then all of that other stuff will come crashing down around your ears when something goes wrong or breaks unexpectedly.

The best advice I can give here is simply: go over the basics as often as possible! The more time spent studying these concepts and doing practice problems with them (and hopefully getting excellent results), the better chance there is that they will stick with us longer than those less familiar topics would have at first glance.

Practice, practice and practice some more

Practice makes perfect. Not only does it help you become a better programmer, but it also helps you become a better everything else in life.

  • Practice makes you better at programming:

  • You'll notice bugs that others don't see and fix them before they get out of hand

  • You'll be able to spot errors in your code before they happen, so that they don't affect other parts of the app or website (and thus cost more money) later on down the road

  • Practice makes you better at debugging: By practicing with different scenarios and different tools like linting tools and debuggers, one can become much more adept at identifying problems quickly without having too many steps between detection and solution

Don't be afraid to make mistakes and ask for help

  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes and ask for help.

  • The best way to learn is through trial and error, but you can't fix the mistakes on your own. If you're learning a new skill, it's important that you ask questions so that others can help point out what's wrong with your project or code before it becomes too difficult for them (and yourself) to troubleshoot.

  • Nobody expects perfection from themselves; nobody expects perfection from anyone else either! This means there will always be room for improvement when working towards becoming a self-taught developer—you just need some guidance here and there along the way as long as everything goes smoothly enough along its path toward success!

There is no better way to learn than being self-taught!

There is no better way to learn than being self-taught!

You can learn at your own pace, in your own time and from anywhere. You don't have to be in front of a computer or even have access to the internet; there are plenty of resources out there that allow you to start learning from scratch without any prior knowledge on how coding works.

We all know that it's not easy for beginners who want to become developers, but by following this guide you'll be able to do just that: become a self-taught developer!


We hope this article has helped you to start down the path of self-taught development. We are not here to say that it's easy, or that you won't make mistakes along the way. But we do want to encourage anyone who wants to learn how to code or build apps themselves by starting today!


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