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How to get hired as a developer


If you're interested in getting hired as a developer, then this article is for you. I'll discuss how to get started on your journey and how to prepare for interviews. Let's get started!

1. Create a Portfolio

A portfolio is a great way to show potential employers what you can do. It should be easy to navigate, and it should show off the best of your work. The most important thing is that it's well-organized, so you'll have an easier time finding what you're looking for.

  • What should go into your portfolio?

Here are some examples of things that should go into a developer's portfolio:

  • Code samples (in any programming language)

  • Examples of design work or UX design work

  • Samples from previous projects

2. Learning How to Write a Good Resume

A good resume is the first step to getting hired. Your resume should be:

  • Easy to read and understand. If it's too dense and hard to follow, you won't be able to get your point across effectively. Make sure the font used in your resume is easy on the eyes and doesn't make things difficult for anyone who looks at it.

  • Relevant to the position you are applying for (and not just any position). If someone hasn't heard of something before, then why should they hire someone who doesn't know what they're doing? You need this job! So use terms and concepts that are relevant towards helping people understand what type of developer would do well here—and avoid anything too far out there because chances are no one else will be applying here either (or if they do apply then maybe we'll have trouble finding someone qualified).

  • Up-to-date with everything relevant about yourself as a professional (i.e., dates). It takes no time at all for someone else reading through our resumes today might see something like "Resume created on January 1st 2017" instead of July 21st 2015."

3. Attend Meetups

  • Meetups are a great way to meet potential employers.

  • They're also a great way to get your name out there and learn about new technologies, companies and skills.

4. Learn to Interview Well

If you want to get hired as a developer, you need to be prepared. You need to be confident in yourself and your skills. You should also be friendly and honest, positive, enthusiastic and curious—but most importantly: humble.

A good interview is all about being open-minded enough not only to learn from others but also from yourself as well. If there’s one thing that separates great developers from poor ones it's their ability for self-reflection: they ask questions; they reflect on their own mistakes; they recognize when other people are right or wrong (and why).

5. Do Freelance Work

If you have the time, energy and inclination to freelance as a developer, then it's worth considering. This can be a great way to build your portfolio and get more experience under your belt in the industry. It's also an excellent way to learn new skills that will help you advance in this field—and if all goes well, maybe even make some money while doing it!

If freelancing isn't something that interests you at this point in your career but still wants to pursue it further down the line (or even right now), then there are plenty of other options available:

  • Start working on side projects or small projects unrelated to web development itself (e.g., working on mobile apps). These sorts of tasks often don't require any technical knowledge whatsoever since they're usually just simple tasks like design or marketing related activities; however they do give someone an opportunity learn how different kinds of software work together so they know how best approach future projects!

6. Apply, Apply, Apply!

If you want to get hired as a developer, there are several things that you can do to increase your chances of being called back.

  • Apply as many jobs as possible. You never know how many people may be interested in hiring developers and how many candidates will apply for each position. As long as the job posting isn’t overly restrictive, there should always be room for more applicants than openings!

  • Apply only where it makes sense for your skillset and personality profile (i.e., not every company needs an open source expert). Some companies will only hire full-time developers who have experience working on large projects and have developed their own code before; other employers prefer smaller teams with less seniority but still require enough knowledge about coding projects like AngularJS (or whatever else). If this sounds interesting but not practical—then keep looking around! But if one does sound more like what interests you then go ahead with sending off an application immediately after reading over these tips below:

Getting a job as a developer isn't easy, but it's definitely possible. Hang in there!

Getting a job as a developer isn't easy, but it's definitely possible. Hang in there!

Developers are in high demand around the world, and they're also highly sought-after by companies across industries, roles and geographies. With all this competition for developers and the shortage of qualified candidates (especially in areas like code quality), you might be wondering how to land your dream gig as a web developer.


If you follow these steps and keep your head up, you'll eventually land an awesome job as a developer. Good luck!


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