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How to make a passive income on as a software developer


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What is passive income?

Passive income is money that you earn without putting in any additional work. This can be generated by a business you own or investing in other businesses. Passive income is a great way to earn money while you sleep, because it allows you to enjoy your time off and still make money!

Niche down.

It's easier to make money as a developer by building tools for other people.

You'll be able to build things that fit into the niche of your choice and focus on what people need, rather than trying to figure out how things work in general. This makes it possible for you to find an audience who will pay you for your work.

Do the work up front.

The first thing you should do is take the time to learn how to do things right.

  • Invest in your skills and knowledge. This can be done by taking classes at a local community college, reading books on the subject that are written for developers, investing in online courses and so on. It will also help if you surround yourself with other like-minded people who have similar interests as yourself (but maybe not so much experience). You'll find that these people are always willing to lend a hand when needed or offer advice based off of their own experiences—they're all working towards bettering themselves as well!

Invest in multiple streams of income.

As a software developer, you can invest in multiple streams of income to ensure that your money lasts longer. By investing in multiple streams of income, you can increase the amount of time between paychecks and make sure that you have enough money to survive when times get tough.

Here's an example: You may have heard about the idea of passive income before. Passive income is defined as any kind of revenue generated from investments or other resources without having to do any additional work for it (in contrast with active activities such as working). It's typically generated through investments that provide regular payments over time and don't require any effort from its owner(s). There are many different types of passive investments out there—some examples include stocks or bonds; real estate; royalties on books written by famous authors like JK Rowling...the list goes on! Some people choose which type they want based on what they feel comfortable with while others prefer sticking with one thing throughout their entire lives because doing so reduces risk while increasing returns over time--so long as everyone involved has been doing this successfully up until now then there shouldn't be any reason why anyone should worry about changing anything soon either way :)

Making money as a developer isn't limited to a full-time job. Here's how to find a source of passive income for developers.

  • The first thing to know is that you can make money as a developer. It's true, there are many ways to make money as a developer. Some of these ways are more passive than others, but all are worth exploring if you're looking for additional sources of income.

  • The second thing to know is that not all developers want the same kind of work—and some jobs might be better for certain people than others.*


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