Eclipse Eclipse is a free, open-source IDE that focuses on Java development, but also supports JavaScript and other programming languages. However, in order to use Eclipse for JavaScript development or reap the benefits of any of its noteworthy functionalities, specific plugins will need to be installed with a great deal of patience on the developer’s side, since the program is really sluggish.
Jetbrains rider
JetBrains Rider is my C# development tool of choice these days on both OS X and Windows. If you’re a longstanding ReSharper user, you’ll find it to be an almost seamless transition. I highly recommend the developer-friendly keystroke navigation and fine grained debugger support.Switching to JetBrains Rider was a great decision. Our team has never experienced an IDE that can communicate with Unity in such a flawless and efficient manner. We would highly recommend JetBrains Rider to anyone who aims at improving the efficiency and accuracy of their workflows.
Visual Studio Code
Configure and theme just like you would expect from any modern development tool. Whether you choose one of the default themes already installed or explore new themes from the Visual Studio code Marketplace, you have the freedom to make your editor or IDE truly yours.
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