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Showing posts from 2018

The Artificial Intelligence Trend

Hello everyone, it's been quite a while since I last posted on this blog. But that's gonna change anytime sooner as I will be posting as often as possible about a new topic in this blog. Artificial Intelligence is no longer a news to anyone who's into Information Technology or those who are not so "techy" as they may have had a sense of it in movies and all of other sources. For a while, I was very curious about this new field of computing where machines will act like human beings. Truth be told, I have been really surprised at what I have witnessed about AI. Imagine programming the "unprogrammable"... What else could any developer ask for?. YES, AI is real and judging by what it's capable of doing at this stage, IAs might really replace human beings in areas that has to do with making decisions. So, in this blog, am going to be posting series of Artificial Intelligence post from the programmer's perspective. Please subscribe to this blog ...