If you have recently installed Service Pack 1 in your existing Windows
7 box, chances are you might be getting this doom error. You see, I
can't really tell you why you are getting this error but Microsoft
To keep this straight, I got this error because I installed service
pack 1 on my development system. Yeah service pack is good and I think
it exists to make things better. Just like Zedicus Zuul Zorander said
in the TV series "Legend of the seeker(s)", "The greatest harm comes
from our best intentions". I installed SP1 to improve my system but
instead of improving it, it poked my eye and made me blind for weeks.
Who would have thought that the problem that crippled my Sql server,
denied me administrative privilleges and many more important stuffs
had resulted from the SP1 I installed.
Thank the lord that I love keeping track of my system's health by
viewing event logs and knowing which software installation stabbed my
back and th...
In this blog, I write about: Programming/Software development, Powershell, SharpAccouting, Visual Studio, Windows 7, Windows 10, IIS Express, C#, Artificial Intelligence, etc..