Writing a maintainable code is very important in your application making, no matter how small you may imagine the program to be, always consider maintainability, even the largest programs start from small.You may have small idea at start up, but believe me, that idea may grow over time as the need for more functionality arises in your program, so its always very important to plan ahead. . So what plan are we talking about? We are talking about writing a code that is maintainable, a code that can be extended easily. The experts always write and talk about it, but have you considered what good it can do? Ok, you know the benefits, have you tried putting it into practice? You can write what ever you want (not recommended), but when you are getting into something you called a program, you need a lot of thinking. Below is the list of things you need to consider when making your program Plan your naming convention: naming convention is very important, ensure your variable naming ...
In this blog, I write about: Programming/Software development, Powershell, SharpAccouting, Visual Studio, Windows 7, Windows 10, IIS Express, C#, Artificial Intelligence, etc..